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Mertz Middle School

Fostering a love of learning

Notable Changes

Notable Changes

Looking for specific information or links on our new website? We’ve got you covered! Here, we’ve highlighted some key differences between the old site and the new one to help you navigate with ease.

Can’t find what you need? Try using the search feature (look for the magnifying glass icon) to quickly locate what you’re looking for by entering keywords.

  • On our old website, several quick links (Link One, Link Two, Link Three, Link Four) were located at the top of the page for easy access. These links are now conveniently located under the Popular Links dropdown in the header. Simply click Popular Links to find them!

  • Use the Google Translate icon in the header, located next to the search feature, to translate the website into your preferred language. Simply hover over the icon to reveal a dropdown menu of language options.

    Research shows that an icon is more universally recognized by non-English-speaking users than the English word "translate." Additionally, most non-English speakers already have their internet browsers set to their preferred language, making our website translator a helpful secondary tool for added convenience.

  • The website header features a Schools dropdown, giving you quick and easy access to all individual school websites. When visiting a school website, simply click the District Home link to return to the district homepage.

Questions and Feedback

Have questions or feedback about our new website? We’d love to hear your thoughts!